Start a parent group

Hopefully, your family has lots of support and encouragement – from relatives and friends.  Still, there is nothing like the support of other LGBT parents. If you don’t know many gay parents, I encourage you to start a group.   I did and it was great.
When our teenage daughters we small, I realized they didn’t know many other kids like them.  This was no surprise because they are adopted (born in China), Jewish, and have lesbian moms.  After trying a couple of play groups from the greater Austin area, I realized geography really mattered and started a Families with Children from China play group limited to Central Austin.  This created a more liberal group with a couple of other two-mom families.  Our group became very close, had monthly meetings and camping trips several times a year.  As they got older, the kids developed other interests and meetings were less frequent, but many of the parents have remained in contact.
There are many ways to start a group.   It really just takes one person who is willing to keep trying until things click.  You could try a Meet Up group.   You could post on one of the online lesbian mama groups, such as Facebook’s Queer Mamas* or Rainbow Roundup.   You could put up a flyer at day care – or give a note to every gay parent you meet.  Family Equality Council has lots of amazing resources for families headed by LGBT parents.  They have a very detailed guide for starting a parents’ group, that can certainly get you started.  Starting a Parent Group
The best part of an LGBT parents’ group is that it gives our children a place to belong and a way to know their family is like so many others.